
Installer & meta-package for the nwg-shell project: a GTK3-based shell for sway and Hyprland Wayland compositors

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nwg-shell-config 0.4.8 (2022.11.17)


Split width/height specifies the horizontal/vertical value multiplier to resize descendant container to after splitting the parent.

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nwg-dock 0.3.2 (2022.11.15)

nwg-drawer 0.3.4 (2022.11.14)

If you run the drawer residently, after the app deinstallation, the pinned icon remains visible (but possible to unpin), until you restart the drawer.

nwg-shell 0.3.9 (2022.11.11)

See reddit

nwg-shell-config 0.4.7 (2022.11.08)

Azote 1.9.7 (2022.11.08)

nwg-shell 0.3.8 (2022.11.06)

nwg-shell-config 0.4.6 (2022.11.06)

Depth limit determines how deep will autotiling work. The 2 value allows to mimic the master/stack layout on horizontal displays. On vertical displays you may like the 3 value. Use 0 for no limit. Beyond the limit, tabbed and stacking layouts will work back again. The 1 value is not recommended, as it will spoil autotiling.

Original depth limit feature contributed to the Autotiling repository by @Syphdias.

nwg-shell 0.3.7 (2022.11.01)

Azote 1.9.6 (2022.11.01)

nwg-shell-wallpapers 1.1 (2022.11.01)

nwg-shell-config 0.4.5 (2022.10.31)

The argument limits how deep will autotiling work. The -l 2 value allows to mimic the master-stack layouts, and in nwg-shell we only use either none or this value. As a bonus, below the 2 depth level, stacking and tabbed layout will behave well again.



2 new keys added:

  "autotiling-depth-limit": "Depth limit",
  "autotiling-depth-limit-tooltip": "Limits autotiling depth to 2 levels, to mimic\n(to some degree) the master/stack layout.",

nwg-drawer 0.3.3 (2022.10.31)

If the pinned apps list is not empty, and the window has just been opened/shown, the first pinned app button should grab focus. Otherwise - the first item in the app flowbox. This was not the case if it comes to the resident instance.

nwg-panel 0.7.14 (2022.10.30)

Addition to 0.7.13

nwg-panel 0.7.13 (2022.10.29)

This feature adds the move scratchpad entry to the SwayTaskbar context menu. It moves the window to the sway scratchpad. If you place the Scratchpad module next to the SwayTaskbar module, you’ll see minimized windows’ icons in it.


The SwayTaskbar module saves the window parent workspace and floating state. When you click the window icon in the Scratchpad module, these two properties will be restored. Obviously it won’t happen if you move a window to the scratchpad in any other way.

Users of multi-headed setups with a SwayTaskbar + Scratch module combo on each of them, may want to see the tasks that belong to the certain display on every Scratchpad module instance. That’s why the “Single output” check box has been added.


Again, for it to work, you need to “minimize” the window from the SwayTaskbar module. Also, the panel needs to be assigned to an output.


Please find this feature beta, and report bugs, if any.

nwg-shell 0.3.6 (2022.10.26)


nwg-shell-config 0.4.4

nwg-drawer 0.3.2

nwg-shell 0.3.5 (2022.10.23)

nwg-shell-config 0.4.3

Support for gtklock 2.x

Thanks to @jovanlanik for additions and bug fixes to gtklock and gtklock-playerctl-module.


Modified keys:

New keys: 

nwg-panel 0.7.12

nwg-shell-config 0.4.2 (2022.10.16)

nwg-shell-config 0.4.1 (2022.10.15)

[Bug in default settings] The previous version contains a typo in default gtklock time format: the leading apostrophe will prevent gtklock from starting. Please check your settings, and remove it, if exists.


nwg-dock 0.3.1 (2022.10.14)

nwg-shell-config 0.4.0 (2022.10.13)

Added support for translations. The ~/.local/share/nwg-shell/data json file contains the "interface-locale" key, that is empty by default. It means: use auto-detected locale. Detection looks like this:

lang = os.getenv("LANG").split(".")[0] if not shell_data["interface-locale"] else shell_data["interface-locale"]

which returns e.g. pl_PL for the pl_PL.UTF-8 locale, if no value found in the data file. Otherwise the saved value will be used. You may use the “Interface language” combo to save the value. This is supposed to work shell-wide in the future.

Localization authors, so far:

nwg-panel 0.7.11 (2022.10.13)

nwg-panel 0.7.10 (2022.10.07)


nwg-panel 0.7.9 (2022.10.06)


nwg-shell 0.3.4 (2022.10.04)


nwg-drawer 0.3.1 (2022.09.25)

nwg-panel 0.7.8 (2022.09.13)

nwg-shell 0.3.0 / 0.3.3 (2022.09.09-10)

This release brings the graphical updater, that replaces the former nwg-shell-installer -u CLI command. You’ll be notified about shell updates via system notifications with ‘Update’ and ‘Later’ actions. If you decide to update later, you may open the shell config utility, and use the ‘Updates’ button. It will show the number of pending updates, if any.

NOTE: I found out that the default background was missing from fresh v0.3.0 installs, and got into trouble while trying to fix it quickly, so we are on v0.3.3 now.



The 0.3.0 version also simplifies the installation process. You no longer need to edit the /etc/environment file, as all the helper scripts are now being installed to /usr/local/bin by the nwg-shell package itself. Applying the 0.3.0 update to the existing shell installation will remove no longer necessary scripts from your home directory.

nwg-shell 0.2.5 (2022.09.02)

This release replaces the autotiling script (package) with the nwg-autotiling command (nwg-shell-config entry point). This is to avoid adding the shell-specific stuff to the original script, as it’s quite widely used outside the project. All the arguments remain the same. The new script is better tailored to the shell, and should be more stable.




gopsuinfo 0.1.2

nwg-shell 0.2.4 (2022.08.29)

Since the ArchLabs 2022.08.21 release, sway, as well as nwg-shell, are no longer included. If you’d like to use them on AL anyway, see Discussions.

The 0.2.4 release simplifies some key bindings in the main sway config file, and adds 2 buttons to panel presets. Also some minor bugs in related css files have been fixed. Performing the upgrade will overwrite your sway config file, panel presets, and panel css style sheets will the new defaults. Your current sway config file will be backed up during the upgrade process. Changes you made to panel presets 0-3 will be lost. You may want to back them up manually, before issuing the nwg-shell-installer -u command. You may also run the command, and then skip overwriting files. After this, you won’t be notified about the upgrade availability any longer.


nwg-panel v0.7.6

nwg-shell-config v0.3.9

nwg-shell-config 0.3.10

nwg-panel 0.7.5 (2022.08.22)

nwg-panel 0.7.4 (2022.08.15)

nwg-panel 0.7.3 (2022.07.31)

Clock module: added Calendar window, with the ability to save a simple note for each day.


Hint: by default, calendar data is stored in the /home/$USER/.local/share/nwg-panel/calendar.json file. Use a folder that you sync over the web to access the same calendar on various machines. E.g. you may install Dropbox and use the /home/$USER/Dropbox/calendar.json path.
